Siapa yang terinfeksi COVID-19?


Distribusi kasus COVID-19 yang dikonfirmasi mengungkapkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam demografi ras dan etnis California secara keseluruhan, dengan kelompok Latino dan Penduduk Asli Hawaii / Kepulauan Pasifik memiliki proporsi kasus yang tidak proporsional dibandingkan dengan populasi mereka di negara bagian tersebut. Kesenjangan tambahan terlihat pada kematian akibat COVID-19, seperti yang terlihatsini. California adults who are Black, Latino, or Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander have disproportionately more deaths compared with their population in the state. Structural racism, poverty and the increased likelihood of having underlying conditions, such as heart disease and lung disease, are likely to contribute to this disparity. Tsini is a similar proportion of male and female cases in California, but tsini is a disproportionate proportion of deaths among males than their population.
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